Kate Meader Titles on Subscription Services


When it comes to book subscriptions, Kobo+ can’t be beat! Get unlimited reading for $7.99 a month, or $9.99 if you include audio. I have 30+ ebook titles in this subscription program.


Everand, formerly Scribd, might be an even better deal for my books than Kobo+. At the time of writing, it’s a little more per month ($11.99), but it includes both indie and traditionally published titles, and more of my audiobooks. Definitely worth checking out!

Chicago Rebels in kindle unlimited*

Hot in Chicago in Kindle unlimited*

* Several of my traditionally-published books are in KU, and because big publishers have special deals with Amazon, they are not exclusive to KU. Meaning, you can find them there and on all the other regular vendors. As of October 2024, these titles are available in KU on Amazon UK only. Because these are not directly published by me, I have no control over which territories they are offered in or how long they will remain in KU. At this time I have no plans to put more of my titles in KU.